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Kolkata's historic diners: 100 years of flavor and heritage - Times of India

This article explores the historic diners of Kolkata that have been serving delicious food for over 100 years. From Nahoum & Sons, known for its baked cheese samosas and date cookies, to Siddheshwari Ashram, a favorite pice hotel offering authentic Bengali meals, these eateries have stood the test of time. Swadhin Bharat Hindu Hotel is another hidden gem, known for its bhetki paturi, while Girish Chandra Dey & Nakur Chandra Nandy offers refreshing and less sugary sondesh. Eau Chew, the oldest family-owned Chinese restaurant in India, serves unique dishes like the famous Chimney Soup. Finally, Trincas is an iconic establishment that has transformed from a Swiss Confectionery to a nightclub and now a restaurant with live music and delicious food.

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Source Id: 8341404901

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