Disney has released its heartwarming Christmas advert for 2024, directed by Taika Waititi and featuring an animated octopus. The advert, titled 'The Boy & The Octopus', follows the story of a child who forms a friendship with the octopus and takes it on a journey to experience the joy of the holidays. The advert includes hidden Easter eggs from beloved Disney films and features a stunning rendition of 'Part of Your World' from The Little Mermaid. The campaign supports Make-A-Wish International and will premiere on YouTube.
image sourced from original article at https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-14069157/Disney-heartwarming-Christmas-advert-Rita-Ora-Taika-Waititi-octopus.html
Original article source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-14069157/Disney-heartwarming-Christmas-advert-Rita-Ora-Taika-Waititi-octopus.html
Source Id: 8407639436