"It's right on the brink. It's closer than it's ever been before. But, right now, as we sit here, we await final word from Hamas on its acceptance, and until we get that word, we'll remain on the brink," Blinken said during an event at the Atlantic Council."The ball is now in Hamas' court. If Hamas accepts, the deal is ready to be concluded and implement it. I believe we will get a ceasefire. Whether we get there in the remaining days of our administration, or after January 20, the deal will follow closely the terms of the agreement that President Biden put forward last May and that our administration rallied the world behind," he said.
image sourced from original article at https://www.ynetnews.com/article/b1rpwznv1x
Original article source: https://www.ynetnews.com/article/b1rpwznv1x
Source Id: 8500262071