Over 3.5 crore devotees took a holy dip in the Sangam river on Makar Sankranti during the Maha Amrit snan in Prayagraj, India. The Naga Sadhus, disciples of Lord Shiva, were the first to take the sacred bath, followed by other seers and devotees. The event was part of the Maha Kumbh, with two more Amrit Snans scheduled to take place. The procession of the akharas, led by acharyas and mahamandaleshwars, arrived at the Sangam on beautifully decorated chariots. The Naga sadhus stole the show with their captivating display of spiritual fervor and martial artistry.
image sourced from original article at https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/allahabad/maha-amrit-snan-attracts-3-5cr-for-holy-dip-in-sangam/articleshow/117246133.cms
Original article source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/allahabad/maha-amrit-snan-attracts-3-5cr-for-holy-dip-in-sangam/articleshow/117246133.cms
Source Id: 8500409699