A transgender high school basketball player named Henry Hanlon has caused controversy after nearly outscoring an entire opposing girls' team in California. Hanlon, who identifies as a girl despite being male, scored 29 points in San Francisco Waldorf's win over Jewish Community High School. Footage of Hanlon dominating the court has gone viral, with fans calling for high-school officials to ban them from female sports. The topic of trans athletes in women's sports has become divisive, with volleyball player Blaire Fleming also at the center of controversy in 2024.
image sourced from original article at https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/othersports/article-14292603/transgender-high-school-basketball-henry-hanlon-san-francisco-waldorf.html
Original article source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/othersports/article-14292603/transgender-high-school-basketball-henry-hanlon-san-francisco-waldorf.html
Source Id: 8503607351