A new survey of 357 political strategists and foresight practitioners reveals that four in 10 experts believe a major world war involving powerhouses like the US, China, or Russia will break out in 2035. The majority of those who believe WWIII is coming said that it would likely involve nuclear weapons and battles in outer space. The survey also found that climate change is the second greatest threat to the world in 2035, according to three in 10 experts. Additionally, the survey predicts that the US will decline in terms of economic power and technological innovation, and that China will lead a new alliance with Russia, Iran, and North Korea that may rival the G7. Finally, the survey reveals that 69 percent of respondents expecting another world war within the next decade anticipate a direct clash between Russia and NATO.

Original article source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-14430825/world-look-like-2035-experts-ww3.html
Source Id: 8576583704